Will - Use Will when you decide to do something at the time of speaking or to express a promise.
I will help you. Eu te ajudarei.
I will travel this year. Eu viajarei este ano.
I will call you when I arrive. Eu te ligarei quando eu chegar.
Note that will can also be contracted by 'll.
Ex: I'll pass the exam. Eu passarei na prova.
Be going to - Use be going to to express a plan.
I am going to help you after lunch. Eu vou te ajudar depois do almoço.
I am going to travel in December. Eu vou viajar em dezembro.
I am going to pass the exam. Eu vou passar na prova.
Use both Will and Be going to to express a prediction.
The year 2222 will be a very interesting year. O ano 2222 será um ano muito interessante.
The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year. O ano 2222 vai ser um ano muito interessante.
Present simple: The present simple tense can also indicate future sometimes. Take a look at the sentenses below.
The plane leaves at 10:00 p.m tomorrow. O avião sai as 10:00 horas da noite amanhã.
My brother arrives tomorrow morning. O meu irmão chega amanhã cedo.
Present continuous: The present continuous tense or present progressive can also indicate future sometimes.
I am coming back next Sunday. Eu estou voltando no próximo domingo.
He is traveling this evening. Ele está viajando essa noite.
That's it for today and have a great holiday tomorrow. See you next time!
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