Como aprender inglês com games?

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2018

How to improve English skills online

We live in a world that real lives are connected to virtual ones. People sometimes don't know their limits and a simple hobby becomes an addiction, lots of time loss and nothing good coming out of it. On the other hand, a lot of people are getting benefits with the internet to learn and improve some abilities, but how can we do that to improve English learning skills? 

Not many years ago, the internet was not so accessible as it is today, so, the access to information was something scarce and slow. I remember in 2000 when I decided to learn English for real, it was so different than it is today, we basically had books and CDs to study, no websites and thousands of APPs with free resources to learn and practice English. If we wanted to watch something in English, we had to rent a movie or buy one.

Now with YouTube, you can learn anything you want. There are channels with English teachers giving complete classes for free, you just need to have a smartphone and internet connection. There is a wide range of English dictionaries online with pronunciation and real examples of the words. If you like to be updated, reading online is an excellent possibility. Pick something you enjoy reading and search online. If you don't know all the words, no problem, nobody knows everything. A simple trick is to have a good dictionary or even an online translator opened in another tab, but before the temptation of looking for the words you don't know, try to understand the gist "general idea". Some people like me, enjoy music, not that before we couldn't practice English with music, but now it's so more interactive and fun.

This short article doesn't have all the answers, it's basically my opinion of what can be done to improve English skills. It's up to you to continue looking for new possibilities and adapting the existing ones to your own learning style. Remember, everybody has the same 24 hours a day, but you have to decide what to do with yours.

I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.

See you next time, bye.

ELT Professional
Robson Leandro Rosa

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