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terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2016

Phrasal Verb: Look forward to

Hi there. What's up? Today we're going to talk about the Phrasal Verb Look forward to. If you have problems using this verb, continue reading until the end. We discussed many times about Phrasal Verbs over the years and I posted many things about it. I also wrote an e-book that you can check in this link ESPAÇO ENGLISH LEARNING - PHRASAL VERBS.
According to Cambridge Dictionary, Look forward to means: to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen (sentir-se contente e animado com algo que vai acontecer, ansioso por algo, louco por algo). Check the examples below!

I'm really looking forward to my vacation.
Estou louco para que chegue logo as minhas férias.

I'm not looking forward to the trip.
Não estou animado para a viagem.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Estou ansioso para encontrar você novamente.

I'm looking forward to watching the new movie this weekend.
Estou ansioso para assistir o novo filme este fim de semana.

Notice that if you use a verb after Look forward to, it must be followed by ING.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
I'm looking forward to watching the new movie this weekend.

That's it for now. If it helped you, leave your comments and share it with your friends!

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