Como aprender inglês com games?

sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012

Quando a esmola é demais, o santo desconfia. Como dizer em inglês?

Hi there, what's up! I was on Facebook a few minutes ago and a friend of mine posted a very popular proverb "Quando a esmola é demais, o santo desconfia". This proverb has a very strong impact here in Brazil and it is used in lots of situations showing that something is not the way it should be according to what was said before. So, let's see the English proverb that has the same meaning.

It's too good to be true.

The car was on sale for half of the price. It's too good to be true.
O carro estava a venda pela metade do preço. Quando a esmola é demais, o santo desconfia.

If you what to see other proverbs, you should read this: Proverbs in English 

That's it, take care!

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