Como aprender inglês com games?

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

Medical vocabulary

Hi there. How's it going? I hope everyone is doing great just like me. For all of those who like to watch series I've decided to give you some vocabulary to help you when watching House or another medical series. All the words are in English translated to Portuguese. So, here we go!

Ache - dor
Allergy - alergia
Anemia - anemia
Appointment - consulta
Arthritis - artrite
Aspirin - aspirina
Asthma - asma
Backache - dor nas costas
Blood type - tipo sanguíneo
Bronchitis - bronquite
Burn - queimadura
Chickenpox - catapora
Cold - resfriado
Cough - tosse
Cramps - cólicas
Diabetes - diabetes
Earache - dor de ouvido
Flu - gripe
Headache - dor de cabeça
High blood pressure - hipertensão
Ill - doente
Illness - doença
Infection - infecção
Inflammation - inflamação
Medicine - remédio
Migraine - enxaqueca
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) - tomografia
Mumps - caxumba
Nausea - enjôo
Pain killer - analgésico
Prescription - receita
Stomach ache - dor de estômago
Syringe - seringa
Syrup - xarope
Wound - ferida

That's it for now. I hope it helps you.

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