Hello there! Here's another idiom to help you to communicate better in English."Once in a blue moon". If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely indeed.
John: How often do you go to church? Com que frequência você vai à igreja?
Better safe than sorry: o que significa?Hi there. How's everything? I hope you're great just like me. Today we will learn another idiom very useful for your daily English. "Better safe than …Read More
Once in a blue moon: o que significa?Hello there! Here's another idiom to help you to communicate better in English."Once in a blue moon". If something happens once in a blue moon, it hap…Read More
Ir por água abaixo. Como dizer em inglês?
Hi there, what's up! It's been a while since I don't do anything special on Sunday because it rains a lot. Today it's not different, but the weather …Read More
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