A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.
Um phrasal verb é uma combinação de um verbo e uma preposição, um verbo e um advérbio, ou um verbo com um advérbio e uma preposição.
1. slack off – ficar enrolando (no trabalho).
Ex.: People, stop slacking off and get down to work. Right now!
2. take over – assumir o controle (de uma operação, negócio ou estabelecimento).
Ex.: My aunt had to take over the restaurant after my uncle passed away.
3. pull off – conseguir fazer algo, apesar das dificuldades.
Ex.: That project seemed impossible but we pulled it off. Passing that test was hard but no one thought I would pull it off.
4. get over someone – esquecer-se de alguém (romance).
Ex.: You need to get over her if you want to move on with your life.
5. hook up – conectar (DVD, som, TV); “ficar” com alguém.
Ex.: Where are the cables so we can hook up this DVD player? Lauren and Phil hooked up at the prom and they’ve been together ever since.
6. pull up – encostar, estacionar (carro).
Ex.: The supervisor’s car just pulled up.
7. fill someone in on something – colocar alguém a par (de alguma situação).
Ex.: My sister filled me in on the latest gossip at school.
8. stick around – ficar (em algum lugar), não ir embora.
Ex.: Can you stick around a little bit longer? I have to talk about something important.
9. dust off – tirar o pó (de roupa) ou reativar algo para uso.
Ex.: OK guys, dust off your tuxedos because we have a formal ball next week.
10. throw down – (gíria) brigar.
Ex.: He’s such a quiet guy. Who knew he would throw down like that?
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